R&D Articles

The beauty of the grazing beast

James Blignaut, November 2024

Ruminants are grazing herbivores that acquire the nutrients for their sustenance from plant-based food. They
do so by, among others, fermenting their feedstock in a specialised stomach prior to digestion. This
fermentation process is mainly done by microbes. Because of their unique digestive track, the digestive process
of ruminants differs vastly from that of humans or omnivores like dogs.

Review: The need for holistic, sector-tailored sustainability assessments for milk and plant-based beverages

E. Maree, J.N. Blignaut, C.J.L. Du Toit, H.H. Meissner, P. Ederer, 26 Sep 2024


Milk and plant-based beverages require review on their sustainability in the food system.
Sustainability includes economics, nutrient supply, and environmental footprint.
Nutrient indexes need to be demographically stratified and food-group specific.
Qualitative measures can be included into environmental and economic assessments.
Single-metric indexes hinder transparency of results from sustainability analyses.

Evaluation of the Molluscicidal Activity of Bacillus Spp. Isolates to Control Aquatic Intermediate Host Snails of Liver Fluke (Fasciola Spp.)

Matthew George Dennis van Wyngaard, Feb 2024

Aquatic snails are involved in harmful disease cycles of Fasciola (liver fluke) that affect both humans and livestock in agriculture. The focus of this study was to isolate and identify candidate bacterial isolates antagonistic to aquatic snails, with the ultimate goal of controlling the host snails responsible for the transmission of liver flukes in South Africa.

The broad-based eco-economic impact of beef and dairy production: A global review

H.H. Meissner, J. N. Blignaut, H.J. Smith, C.J.L. du Toit, 19 May 2023

Cattle have been the focus of an intense debate between those concerned about, among other things, the possible negative effects on global warming, land degradation, food competition, and human health and those who are positive toward the possible role of cattle in maintaining global socio-economic and environmental sustainability. This paper reviews the pros and cons in view of a projected increase in demand for animal-based foods and therefore in cattle numbers. Analyses of cattle numbers and foods from various literature sources suggest gross overestimation towards 2050. Although cattle are responsible for a major portion of methane emissions, the atmospheric accumulation of methane from cattle could possibly be overestimated due to methane’s short atmospheric lifespan, recent calculations of enteric fermentation, and methane’s warming potential, and the role of cattle in carbon sequestration and being a sink. Since carbon sequestration has more potential than emission reduction in limiting global warming, photosynthetic capacity should be maximised. It is concluded that whereas concerns about animal welfare, zoonosis, and antimicrobial resistance should be addressed, the call for a reduction in global cattle numbers because of the perceived negative effects mentioned above may be unwarranted. A reduction in cattle numbers could limit the advantage of livestock-related carbon sequestration and therefore largely defeat the objective of limiting global warming.

Brusellose: ’n Gids vir Melkboere

Saamgestel deur Dr Mark Chimes Namens Melk SA, Feb 2023

Brusellose, oftewel Besmetlike Misgeboorte, is hoogs aansteeklik en kom voor in al nege provinsies van Suid-Afrika. Die hoofbron van infeksie is beeste. Die hoofroete van infeksie by mense is deur die verbruik van ongepasteuriseerde melk. Alhoewel aborsies die primêre simptoom is wat opgemerk word in melkkuddes, is brusellose NIE ’n geslagsiekte nie. Brusellose word hoofsaaklik oorgedra deur die inname van die organisme (mondelinge roete).

Brucellosis: A dairy farmer’s guide

Compiled by Dr Mark Chimes On behalf of Milk SA, Feb 2023

Brucellosis is highly contagious and occurs in all nine provinces of South Africa. The main source of infection is cattle. The main route of infection in humans is through the consumption of unpasteurised milk. Although the primary symptom noticed in dairy herds is abortion, brucellosis is NOT a venereal disease. Brucellosis is primarily transmitted through ingestion of the organism (oral route).

The global impact of cattle: A socio-economic, food security and environmental perspective

Heinz Meissner, James Blignaut, Hendrik Smith and Linde Du Toit, 2022

Cattle have been the focus of an intense debate between those concerned about the possible negative effects on global warming, land degradation, food competition and human health, and those who are positive toward the possible role of cattle in maintaining global socio-economic and environmental sustainability. Here we reviewed the pros and cons in view of a projected increase in demand for animal-based foods and therefore in cattle numbers.

Psychrotrophic Bacteria and Biofilms in the Dairy Industry

Prof P J Jooste, June/July 2020


Definitions and basic concepts relating to psychrotrophic bacteria and biofilm formation
Psychrotrophic bacteria in South African raw milk supplies
Problems caused by the occurrence of biofilms from the dairy farm to the processing plant
Monitoring for psychrotrophic bacteria and biofilms in the dairy industry
Reducing contamination throughout the dairy manufacturing chain: potential solutions

Extended shelf life milk processing: Effect of simulated cleaning in place on the germination and attachment of Bacillus cereus spores

Chané Pretorius and Elna Maria Buys, 2020

The effect of simulated cleaning in place (CIP) was determined on the structure, attachment and growth of Bacillus cereus spores isolated from raw milk and biofilms in filler nozzles from extended shelf life (ESL) milk processing lines. Simulated CIP treatment structurally affected >98% of B. cereus spores, while 0.1% remained intact. Following simulated CIP treatment, B. cereus spores were able to attach to stainless steel coupons and form biofilms. B. cereus spores were capable of germination and growth under refrigerated conditions for more than 28 days. Contamination with B. cereus spores may lead to a reduced shelf life and potentially be a safety risk in ESL milk with a prolonged shelf life.